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When will I receive the money? 💵

Payments are often settled within 15 seconds in the UK, getting you paid instantaneously. In the case of weekend payments, the money will be transferred to your account within the first business day. This is just another way we do it better than card payments, as your funds typically are not available until a few days after the payment with card schemes.

Can I accept card payments through Drell? 💳

No. Drell is built on account-to-account payment technology, making the payment itself a bank transfer. We have made it our mission to create a much cheaper alternative to card payments, as we experienced that UK SMBs deal with extremely high and unfair card processing fees.

Where can I use Drell to get paid? 🌍

You can use Drell to get paid anywhere in the UK. We do not yet offer international transactions outside of the UK border.

Is there a minimum fee per payment? 💰

Yes. We charge a minimum of 0.2 GBP (£) per payment. This is not in addition to the %-fee, but if our calculated fee of the payment is below £0.2, then this fee will automatically apply. This minimum charge is due to our fixed costs of providing the cheapest payment solution in the UK, and we are probably not a very good fit if you have very low "average order values" of i.e. £10.

Are there any other fees than the 0.49% per payment? 🧐

No. There are no set-up, subscription, hardware, or alternative fees associated with accepting payments through Drell. We like to keep our fee fair, flat, and completely transparent.

Will you charge me if I don't accept any payments? 😨

No. You only pay for what you use - always. Even if you sign the payment agreement and you then decide not to use Drell anyway, you will never be charged a penny.

How do I get set up to begin accepting payments? ✍🏻

You can create a Drell account instantly via the top-right button called "Get access now". After account creation, we must get to know your business a little more before you can begin accepting payments, and you must go through a quick process of providing- and validating relevant information. You can be ready to get paid in as little as 5 minutes!

How do I create a payment? 🤷‍♂️

After creating an account and validating your information, you can begin accepting payments. You simply need to download the app "Drell" (available for IOS and Android), log in to your account within the app, and then you and your employees can create your first payment!

Do you invoice the payment fee? 🧾

Yes. We invoice our fee based on the usage of the given month. This also differs from card providers, where we give you credit on the fee owed to us - improving your cash flow.

Are there any transaction limits? 🙄

No. There are no limits on the amount that you can be paid. For your customers, their standard limits on bank transfers apply, but this amount is usually a lot higher than debit- and credit card limits. Your customers' transaction limit through Drell is thus often + £25,000 daily. Just another way we do it better than card payments...

Do my customers need to download anything? 📲

Nope. They can pay by scanning your QR code without downloading anything. All they need is a smartphone!

Can all of my customers pay with Drell? 👫

Yes - aaalmost! We cover 99% of bank accounts in the UK. It is never nice to reject customers due to your payment method - and with Drell you don't have to.

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Contact us in the form to the right for all types of enquiries. We strive to get back to you within a single business day.
+44 287 116 3157